ShapeWorks, TextureWOrks, Artifical Intelligence, Ankuhs Rai, Surveillance System, Game Development Softwares
ShapeWorks, TextureWOrks, Artifical Intelligence, Ankuhs Rai, Surveillance System, Game Development Softwares
ShapeWorks, TextureWOrks, Artifical Intelligence, Ankuhs Rai, Surveillance System, Game Development Softwares
ShapeWorks, TextureWOrks, Artifical Intelligence, Ankuhs Rai, Surveillance System, Game Development Softwares
ShapeWorks, TextureWOrks, Artifical Intelligence, Ankuhs Rai, Surveillance System, Game Development Softwares
ShapeWorks, TextureWOrks, Artifical Intelligence, Ankuhs Rai, Surveillance System, Game Development Softwares
Techraion Systemworks LLP
Tech Raion
Techraion is Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence Solution-Provider for
Defense & Entertainment Sector. Defending Borders, Aiding Armed Forces,
& Data Analytics, Simplifying applciation/game development and much more.
Industrial Commercial Products
AI Applictaion for UAV Thermal/RGB Object Recognition And Tracking
Commercial AI Software made for Military Recon & Surveillance Application, Helps armed forces to track and recognizie anomalies, veichles, from several video streams
ex: satellite feed, UAV feed & Aircrraft's ortho feed.
(a) Automated the task of trackinga nd recognition.
(b) Log Movemnt of veichles & persons (Even at Night).
(c) Works in Poor Weather sceanrios.
Computational Drug: Artifcal Intelligence Assisted Ab-Initio Modelling of Computational Drug Discovery for Covid-19
We have developed an AI based on co-simulated competitive neural network to generate a list of new medicines along with the discovery of existing medicines. Each living cells are made up of sequence of protein compounds. This, protein compounds in turn combine together to form cells, these cells combined to form tissue and tissues combined to form organs. Hence, when a virus attacks a living organism it changes the sequence of this protein to misbalance their normal regulatory function. In turn it makes our own cells behave against its own like that of a computer virus and it gets on replicating and disrupting regulatory mechanism of other cells on and on. We can simulate a drug or compound which can combine with these viruses to disrupt its own regulatory mechanism and thereby disallowing it to bond with our cells.
(a) Eliminate the waste of time which otherwise would have been wasted in identifying compound by trial and error basis.
(b) AI system can formulate and check new compounds more than the speed of humans.
(c) This system can be latter deployed for finding cure for other major incurable diseases.
(d) The medicine compound generate by AI against corona can be rapidly synthesized in lab and in pharmaceutical companies for rapid building of vaccines.
(e) Sharing of our results will validate the results of other labs and pharmacy.
CoviDX: AI Based App for Quick Detection of Corona Induced Pneumonia
When people with Covid-19 develop a cough and fever The lining of the respiratory tree becomes injured, causing pneumonia and its remains major cause of death. Most types of pneumonia that we know of and that we admit people to hospital for are bacterial and they respond to an antibiotic. Pneumonia caused by Covid-19 may be particularly severe and tend to affect all of the lungs, instead of just small parts.
Thus, using Artificial Intelligence to classify chest X-ray images will be an essential tool to identify corona infected individuals. As the current covid-19 testing usually takes 3-4 days but with this tool we can identify corona infected individual in matter of seconds. Additionally we can test corona infected individuals in bulk i.e. over thousands and lacks of individuals chest x-ray can be processed in matter of minutes.
1. The current situation is in dire need of a non-invasive diagnostic technology to early predict the patients showing signs of corona infection.
2. The prices of medical supplies and testing kits are tend to rise during time of crisis like this but with this technology it will be readily available to all that
3. The Ai framework is developed upon a state of the art algorithm which is based on custom modeled two competing classifier which learns to augment the data and it can process to learn the features in short amount of data and require no huge amount of dataset with chances of over fitting. Thereby avoiding chances of giving false positive results.
Raven-Eye: Autonomous Surveillance System
A plethora of surveillance devices are being utilized to achieve Battle Field Transparency, but being legacy systems they need to be continuously
manned and monitored. We have developed an Artificial Intelligence Based monitoring system to convert the legacy Surveillance camera inputs into smart
inputs i.e. it will enable autonomous surveillance with the help of our indigenously developed Artificial Intelligence to recognize suspicious actions
and an advanced face recognition in addition with an improvement of colored night vision for surveillance at night with the developed color night-vision
surveillance system. AI based monitoring for surveillance will reduce the operators fatigue and free resources for other tasks. This system can also be
used for night time drone based surveillance with better visibility.
1) Suspicious Activity Recognition,
2) Advanced one shot face recognition,
3) Theft Detection,
4) Colored Night Vision,
5) Enabled drone mapping of border security in night,
6) Tracking of Individuals,
7) Enhance night images for clear visual and planning,
8) Improve the existing low cost infrastructure
9) Hence eliminate the need to buy costly hardware.
1) Border security surveillance,
2) Colored night vision for armed forces,
3) Drone based mapping of forest area at night,
4) Night time home security for nabbing criminals.
5) Satellite Imagery Based Object Tracking
Commercial Softwares
Software to generate textures & PBR Materials from small input samples.
Enables super resolution to increase the scale of textures with high resolution without pixelating image details.
Also, enables generation of high quality normal maps.
ShapeWorks is an easy, fun, engaging digital sculpting tool for game developers & 3D artist. It is extremely beginner
friendly and someone with no experience in 3D modelling can begin kit-bashing, effortlessly sculpt and intuitively
start making intricate 3D models in no time.
CodeWorks Visual Scripting Framework: Converts Visual codeblocks in to Programs. Users can use to develope games/3D applications.
Without Knowing any Programming Knowledge.
No Exit: Game
An addictive grappling game that pits you against environmental challenges of hell to uncover your mystic identity & destiny.
It is Imbued with most beautiful hand-painted artwork with enchanted musical score and narrates personal journey through pain;
that you certainly be able to relate with.
Colour NightVision
NightVision Demo With API services to enhance images in dark. Useffull in combat, resuce and drone survellaince in dark.
CrossTalk_AI is an Anonymus Free2Use Video Confrencing solution For Telemedicine, E-Classrom & Web-Confencing with Screen Sharing Capability.
Next in Line
Kudo-8 with Autonomus Multi-Agent Drone Control Sys
On left hand side we show our custom drone Kudo-8. Its modelled upon AI integrated cyber physical framework. It offers scalable drone services which requires a layered
multiple network control architecture outlined mainly to coordinate access of various unmanned
aerial vehicles to control airspace, package delivery, rescue operations, traffic surveillance and more. Its based on vision based positing system with autonomus manuveribility.
It is fitted with sparse distributed ai-services, wherein a system of
a networked processes communicating with messages through multidirectional channels. As the communication between such processes is rendezvous
based: both the reading and composing processes obstruct until the other side is ready to communicate; such kind of data flow to accomplish
concurrent process is named as translational network. This model of computation is nondeterministic attributable to its concurrency. Research
advances by Techraion in this area has enable network of multiple drone infrastructure to give generic services to various drone applications.
We’ve exhibited the algorithms and software infrastructure on our custom drones (showed on left) to implement autonomus mission control for military applciations.
The technique establishes the concept of co-simulation based autonomous translational network architecture, which organize and
dynamically determine the flight manuveribility.
Software Store
Store card
AI based PBR texture generator with over 1600 material and tetxure maps
This is our upcoming sculpting/kitbashing software.
With 500 models and >500 alphas. Would be useful in Kit-bashing and rapid prototyping of caharacters.
Html2Apk Compiler compile website/html/games/ progressive web app into beautiful android apps with a single click.
No Coding Required with monietization features.
CodeWorks is a visual scripting framework for Game Guru Game Engine. With it any one can easily script there
game logic in matter of minutes without worrying about API and syntax error.
This is a software for downloading Instagram profile, photos, videos, your saved post or insta
feed or any specific insta item in matter of seconds with just a simple click. etc in bulk with single click.
Markerless Augmented Reality for Remote Sensing Applciaions
Its a demo of integrated AR+VR app which allows remote sensing data to be integrated with civil/architectural data into single visualization module with seamless transition between AR and VR.
Viewers can see the same data in AR and traverse the map in VR with no need for extra modelling and programming steps.
Reserach Protfolio
This demonstration contains list of our old research and consultancy projects.
Coloured NightVision Tech
A plethora of surveillance devices are being utilized to achieve Battle Field Transparency, but being legacy systems they need to be continuously manned and monitored. We have developed an Artificial Intelligence Based monitoring system to convert the legacy Surveillance camera inputs into smart inputs i.e it will enable surveillance at night with the developed color night-vision surveillance system. AI based monitoring for surveillance will reduce the operators fatigue and free resources for other tasks.
Snooping From Long Distance
Terroist Meetings and there plans can now be revealed without risking life of Indian soldiers and spys. With this tech we can extarct the sound from
only videos recorded far away from binocluars. Since, sound produces small motions in background objects. Thus, our device can extarct this small motions to
recover the sound. Sound can be recovered from plants, clothes, glass filled water etc. located nearby.
Border Security Surveillance
This is a demonstration of our automated security solution which detects and tracks suspecious activity in a multiple video stream. It analyzyes the human
posture, behvaioural traitsa and smentcially classify the enviornemnt to poredict the future most proobale actions going to happen and from tehreof
immediatly notify the authorities to take necessary actions.
Active Thermal Camouflaging of Military Tanks.
In war enemies rely on thermal signature to identify threat offered by tanks. Hence, it is crucial to hide our tanks from enemy spooters.
This is a demonstration of our device we have built to eliminate thermal signature of millitary tanks; to add comptetive advantage in the battelfeild.
CodeWorks: Visual Scripting Framework
This is a visual Scripting IDE for for several game engines & AI Development Program (specifically tensor-flow). Its a very unique Visual
Scripting IDE for multiple game engines. It enables users to develop game logic for one application/game and deploy it over multiple game
TextureWorks: AI Based Texture Generator
TextureWorks is an Artificial Intelligence Based easy texture generation and texture maps generation tool for preparing PBR materials in your
3D/2D Games!. It has everything you need to build a complete texture from small patches or samples of images of your desired size. In addition
with the capability of generating all sorts of texture maps, it has also the tool for increasing the resolution of the images with advance
artificial intelligence based algorithms to scale images. From the task of texture generation to texture completion, texture re-scaling
and texture map generation this software is a one stop shop to get all these solution in one package. Not only that you will also have a
plethora of sample texture libraries (of over 1,000 textures of various types) for ready to be sued in your 3D/2D Games at no additional cost.
Brain Signal to Image Generation
After Binge watching on Simpsons for more than 15 hrs of training data. Here, is the result of our alpha stage of softwares. More iterations of this
would likely to interpret 86% of though process directly to images.
No Exit: Torments of Hell
This is a Single Button Fast Paced 2D Platformer Game demo made in UE4 + integration of CEF. You have one life to make it count.
It has elements of addictive game play mechanics of grappling , swinging. Leader-board is active...Once, you finish the trials of
the main story; try Challenging other player's high score to prove your Mettle.
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